
NextGen 8 GHz Pulse Radar - Teaching Material

How to Update NextGen and CloudServer (Videos)

This article describes the simple update process of SkyRadar and NextGen.

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Video: Live Radar, Simulator, DSP, SMC, Virtual Reality - How does it all work together?

Many new components  come together to form a comprehensive training system for ATSEP and military ATC qualification. This video provides an overview and shows how all fits together.

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Exporting Logs from FreeScopes and Analyzing in MATLAB (video)

FreeScopes "Record, Replay & Livestream" Module allows to transfer live (livestream) or recorded data to MATLAB or any other numeric computing environment.

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Multiple Plots and Tracks in FreeScopes (Video)

In this video we show how FreeScopes can track and differentiate multiple targets, plot the history dots and indicate direction and speed with a speed vector.

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Comparing Various Algorithms to Monitor Moving Targets (Video)

This video illustrates how to monitor moving targets through various alternative algorithms. It provides an easy to follow introduction into the setup of a radar block diagram and its scopes (A-Scope, PPI) using previously recorded IQ data.

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Micro-Doppler Frequencies Visualized with the NextGen and FreeScopes (Video)

In this video we visualize the movement of a Fidget Spinner (hand-held toy) with the 8 GHz Pulse Radar, a Fast Fourier Transformation and a Heatmap in FreeScopes

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SkyRadar's Solutions for Military Training Academies - An Executive Summary

SkyRadar has been developing training radar solutions for military training applications since 2008. The solutions have been applied by and optimized with allied forces on 5 continents.This article give an executive overview.

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Assembly of SkyRadar's NextGen 8 GHz Pulse Radar - It Just Takes a Couple of Minutes

In this video we show you step by step, how to assemble SkyRadar's NextGen 8 GHz Pulse Radar.

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Electronic Warfare - Range Deception in a Practical Experiment with a Rotating 8 GHz Pulse Radar and Aresia's Active Target

With ARESIA-OZOIR's active target and SkyRadar's NextGen 8 GHz Pulse radar we experiment on range deception and radar lock-in with a rotating radar.

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Aresia's Active Target Works Perfectly For Range and Speed Deception Training on SkyRadar's NextGen 8 GHz Pulse Radar

ARESIA-OZOIR's active target is a convincing tool to train electronic warfare with SkyRadar's NextGen 8 GHz Pulse radar.

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The Enchanting Singing and Dancing of the Radars (Video)

My colleague Volker recorded this short video of our NextGen Radars "singing" and "dancing" during release testing.

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2-Dimensional Constant false alarm rate CFAR Explained Using FreeScopes (Video)

The following video explains in detail the 2 Dimensional CFAR.

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NextGen Pulse Radar Implementation and Application Test by Ulisses Sodré de Almeida, Edasim Brazil

NextGen implementation and application test by Ulisses Sodré de Almeida, Edasim, Brazil.

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NextGen 8 GHz: Catching Moving Targets with CFAR, MTD and a Heatmap (Video)

This video show several blocks in the digital signal processing chain that allow to enhance the visibility and tracking of moving targets. We show CFAR, Moving Targete Detection with Doppler Filtering, a Heatmap and the I and Q signals.

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Using the NextGen Module with a 24 GHz FMCW Radar Extension

Within minutes we can replace the 8 GHz Pulse unit on top of the radar box with a a 24 GHz FMCW radar. We can analyze the FMCW with FreeScopes. Here is how it works.

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FreeScopes 7 - Modular Block Diagrams and a Large Library of Scopes, Filters and Algorithms (Video)

In January 2021, SkyRadar introduced the new Radar User Interface and Control Center "FreeScopes 7".

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FreeScopes Version 7 is available now! With Modular Radar Block Diagrams and Lots of New Features

FreeScopes 7 allows students to read live raw data from radar sensors and to assemble their radar block diagrams on the screen, including A-Scopes, B-Scopes and the PPI.

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Packaged Solutions and Transparent Pricing

SkyRadar suggests packaged solutions adapted on various requirements and budgets.

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Modular Curriculum for ATSEP and ATCO training with SkyRadar's NextGen 8 GHz Pulse Radar

This article explains how SkyRadar's NextGen 8 GHz Pulse radar can be used for ATSEP and ATCO training.

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Walking through the Basic Functions of FreeScopes (Video)

For beginners, it is difficult to start off and to enter the radar world. The pedagogically designed FreeScopes application together with SkyRadar's radars gives easy access to the concept of radars - hands on.

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SkyRadar NextGen 8 GHz Pulse Radar: Video on the Measurement of the Radar Cross Section in PPI and A-Scope

Radar cross-section (RCS) is the cross section of an object as seen by a radar. A larger RCS indicates that an object is more easily detected.

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NextGen Artificial Intelligence Vol. I including AI Solutions for Image Recognition and Classification

Artificial Intelligence is disruptively changing the world of Aviation and IoT. Radar sensor data play a key role as they are in contrast to photographic images quantitative and measurable. SkyRadar developed a course providing hands-on experiments for Artificial Intelligence. 

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Tutorial - Using the NextGen 8 GHz Pulse Module for Artificial Intelligence to Understand Finger-Counting-Based Gestures

In the following we introduce a SkyRadar NextGen 8 GHz Pulse application for artificial intelligence. In this application students learn how neural networks / artificial intelligence, and especially Convolution Neural networks can be applied to perform the automatic detection of a human gesture by using RADAR technologies.

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Tutorial - What is Machine Learning (ML) ?

This article will give an overview of the basic and fundamental notions of ML. It is part of a series developed for practitioners. The goal is to be rapidly able to apply and make use of ML.

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Air Traffic Control and ATC-Qualification Need To Get Structurally Prepared On Pandemics

SARS, Ebola, Corona - the frequency of regional or global epidemics is rising. We need to get structurally prepared on operations in times of such epidemics.

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NextGen 8 GHz Radar - Working with FreeScopes and the Floating Panels (VIDEO)

The 8 GHz Pulse Radar is available now. It is simple to handle, more precise than any other training Pulse Radar and perfectly responding to ICAO's NGAP programme to attract and qualify high-performers.

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Understanding ICAO's NGAP Programme Targeting NextGen Aviation Professionals

In 2009, the ICAO foresaw the growing need for qualified and competent aviation professionals to fill future vacancies created by the anticipated retirements of an aging "Baby Boomer" generation. The aviation industry also faces competition from other sectors who are also seeking skilled professionals for their own expected vacancies. From this need, the Next Generation of Aviation Professionals (NGAP) initiative was born and was quickly elevated from an initiative status to programme status.

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The NextGen 8 GHz Pulse AI - It Is Time for a Revolution

SkyRadar's NextGen Pulse Radar operates in the x-band, just like en-route radars in ATC, as well as military and marine radars. It includes all the important features needed by ATCOs and ATSEPs and reaches up to Artificial Intelligence. Its modular structure allows to customize it on university requirements as well.

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Gender Equality - An Opportunity to Develop the Capacities of ATC Personnel

Attracting women to the aviation industry can help meet the NGAP initiative. But first, barriers to gender equality and gender diversity must be overcome.

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Building Headcount of Aviation Professionals - What ICAO is Doing & What Aviation Academies Need to Do

With exponential growth over the next 20 years, the task of training today’s and tomorrow’s professionals is on the shoulders of aviation academies. This article summarizes the main steps to be taken.

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NextGen ATC –Training with Technology is the Key to Attracting and Retaining Millennial Talent

The aviation sector is faced with the task of filling an anticipated 125,000 air traffic controller and 1.3 million aircraft maintenance personnel job vacancies by 2036. This need is not only driven by the sector’s unprecedented growth, but also because of positions opened by the attrition of retiring baby boomer personnel.

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Flight 752: Why ADS-B and A.I. Should Be Applied Together

The recent crash of Ukrainian Airlines Flight 752, downed by a surface-to-air (SAM) Iranian missile after a tragic human error from a military RADAR operator underlines dramatically the need for ADS-B, combined with automatic computer-based recognition of RADAR targets.

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NextGen ATC - How Do Millennials Learn

Millennials are the first generation to spend most of their lives exposed to rapid technological change. Today, this group is extremely tech savvy and tech dependent, and this has affected their preferences for their learning experience.

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NextGen ATC - Millennials Learn Better through Applied Technology

Recent cross-university research between the University of Madeira in Portugal, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and University of Los Andes in Columbia, Carnegie Mellon University in the United States, and Innopolis University in the Russian Federation studied how millennial students learn and what learning methods are best used to successfully engage and teach this generation.

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Ready for the Next Generation - Tapping into Millennial Learning Styles

How do millennials learn and why does this matter to aviation academies? This article looks at the specifics of the younger generation. What drives them and what are their specific learning patterns? And how do aviation academies need to adapt to attract the best of them and to qualify them most effectively?

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Is your Aviation Academy Attractive for the Next Generation?

It is projected that by 2036, the aviation sector will need 125,000 air traffic controllers, and 1.3 million aircraft maintenance personnel to fill vacancies left by retiring aviation professionals. In 2016, the Next Generation of Aviation Professionals (NGAP) Programme was formalized as an ICAO initiative to meet the need for trained and qualified aviation professionals.

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Artificial Intelligence: Deep Learning in Radar Detection - Getting Prepared for Tomorrow, Now!

Deep Learning Algorithms produce better-than-human results in image recognition, generating a close to zero fault rate [1]. This article shows how this works in radar technology and explains, how Artificial Intelligence can be taught in University Education and NextGen ATC qualification.

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Read out the IQ data via our Programming Interface (Web-API) - And use it in MATLAB, Jupyter etc

More and more users want to access our radar raw data and read out IQ data directly. Having the raw data in a well digestible data format makes it easy to do the further treatment in any numerical computing environment. Research on new algorithms on real-time data becomes comfortable and powerful.

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The New FMCW Training Radar Series 6.x - More Powerful, More Accurate, More Fun

Following the PSR, SkyRadar now presents the fully redesigned FMCW radar training system. It has enhanced resolution, many more features, unlimited concurrent users, a plug-an-play approach. The good news, it remains as economical as the previous version.

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AI is a Key Pillar in ICAO's Next Gen Radar Infrastructure - Impacting Technology, Procedures & Qualification

Artificial Intelligence is starting to become a game changer in Aviation. In this article we look at its expected impacts on radar technology and describe SkyRadar's solutions to qualify ATCO and ATSEP on applied AI.

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A Completely Reworked PSR Radar Training System

The SkyRadar team completely reworked its PSR radar. With the best resolution in the market, unlimited concurrent users, a plug-an-play approach and much more it is heading to set standards for affordable qualification tools in ATC and University Education.

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SkyRadar has been awarded "Best Aviation & Radar Technical Training Equipment Company - Europe"

The SkyRadar team is celebrating CV-magazines "2020 Aviation & Aerospace Awards". We are happy that our quest for ICAO-focused NextGen Qualification Solutions received such a prominent gratification.

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Why Concurrent & Independent Experiments on Radars & Simulators Bring so Much Benefit

All Radars by SkyRadar allow for a concurrent manipulation of radar data. Here we explain the principle. And the advantages.

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Good Air Traffic Management can reduce 15% of CO2 Emission and Fuel Consumption

Airbus sees significant potential for the reduction of CO2 emission. With a big drop achieved through enhanced Air Traffic Management.

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