
Statistical and Adaptive Signal Processing to Eliminate Deception Attacks (Video)

The SASP Deception Detect is a feature in Electronic Warfare. It is implemented in the SkyRadar FreeScopes Training Suite, developed by SkyRadar, building on the foundation of the Enhanced Kalman Disturbance Filter (EKDF). 

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SkyRadar Joins IFATSEA's ARM 24 as a Proud Partner: Elevating ATSEP Training and Expertise

As the world of air traffic safety electronics personnel (ATSEP) continues to evolve with technological advancements, SkyRadar is proud to announce our partnership with the IFATSEA Assembly and Regional Meeting (IFATSEA ARM 24) on June 25th -28th in Casablanca, Morocco. This collaboration highlights our commitment to enhancing the skills and knowledge of ATSEP professionals globally.

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Electronic Warfare: Doppler Phase Shift Enhanced Disturbance Filter

The Doppler Phase Shift Enhanced Disturbance Filter (EDF) is an advanced radar signal processing system designed to effectively handle jammed radar data. It utilizes sophisticated algorithms to distinguish genuine radar reflections from jamming signals, thereby enhancing the radar's ability to accurately detect and track targets even in hostile environments.

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The Role of Digital Twin in ATSEP Training

In  Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel (ATSEP) training, SkyRadar's Pedagogical Digital Twin presents a innovative approach by creating virtual replicas of air traffic control systems. This innovation is helpful for ATSEP, aligning with the EASA Easy Access Rules and ICAO Doc 10057. The digital twin technology facilitates a risk-free, real-time interactive learning environment, enabling simultaneous education for multiple users, regardless of their pace, level, or location.

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SkyRadar's Pedagogical Digital Twins of ATC Environments for ICAO/EASA Conform ATSEP Qualification (Video)

SkyRadar introduces its virtual world around SkySMC as an environment to qualify ATSEP conform to the EASA Easy Access Rules and ICAO Doc 10057.

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Electronic Warfare: Range Gate Pull Off - Kalman-based Countermeasures in FreeScopes (Video)

The Enhanced Kalman Disturbance Filter is a feature developed by SkyRadar. It is part of its training radar system, designed to detect and handle range deception data using the Kalman Filter and the most recent RGPO detection features. This block includes several sub-functions, each serving a specific purpose in the processing of incoming radar reflections to identify and manage potential range deceived targets.

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AI in ATM - A Featured Topic of the March'24 Edition of Air Traffic Safety Electronics International

The new Air Traffic Safety Electronics Journal is out. The Journal evaluates the Opportunities of Threats of AI to the Aviation sector with contributions from Adeyinka Olumuyiwa Qsunwusi, Sallami Chougdali and Sam Mahlangu. Ulrich Scholten and Dennis Vasilev discuss ATSEP training and changing roles in the light of connected, automated systems and emerging AI.

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Electronic Warfare: Range Gate Pull Off - MTD-based Countermeasures in FreeScopes (Video)

This article introduces an enhanced radar filter designed for training, with features for detecting range deception, incorporating moving target detection and target association for improved accuracy.

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Electronic Warfare: Range Gate Pull Off - Clutter-Map & MTI-based Countermeasures in FreeScopes (Video)

In this article we show a video on RGPO-counter-measures enhanced by an MIT and by a Cluttermap in a comparison. We conducted the RGPO with SkySim and the Electronic Warfare extension. The electronic counter-countermeasures are part of the FreeScopes Library.

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