
Tutorial: Support Vector Machines for Automatic RADAR Recognition - A Theoretical Foundation

In the present tutorial, we shall explain what are the Support Vector Machines (SVMs) and how the kernel-based SVM classifiers are working.

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Artificial Intelligence: Hidden Markov Model Classifiers and RADAR Objects Classification by Machine Learning 2/2

In the first part of this series, we introduced the general concepts needed for understanding the Hidden Markov Models Classifiers. Namely: Bayesian Logic, The concept of Bayesian Classifiers and Bayesian networks. All these notions are now grouped to form a new type of classifier which can accurately model and classify time-series data such as the RADAR data.

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Artificial Intelligence: Hidden Markov Model Classifiers and RADAR Objects Classification by Machine Learning 1/2

In this article we will explore a very special class of classifiers, the Hidden Markov Model Classifiers (HMMs). They are mainly a statistical and probabilistic model but they have found their entry in the world of Machine Learning since they can be trained and classify data.

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Release 6.x - A Powerful Radar Package for Universities and ATC Qualification

Release 6 of SkyRadar's educational radars brings innovation in hardware and software, in the Cloud architecture and and in the system openness. And yes, it is promised - we keep the prices down.

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