
What is a Flight Plan and How to fill it?

A pilot is getting ready to depart for a particular destination. Before departure, he or she will plan his flight just like any traveler who plans about his journey.

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Understanding Air Traffic Control Clearance

In air traffic services, two protagonists hold a significant position: Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers. In Air Traffic Services pilots are being instructed and advised by air traffic controllers at almost frequent intervals.

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Artificial Intelligence - Anatomy of the LeNet-1 Convolutional Network and How It Can Be Used in Order to Classify RADAR Data

In this article we shall perform the anatomy of a simple but efficient convolutional network (CNN), the LeNet-1 neural network.

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Artificial Intelligence - Understanding the Main Operations in Convolution Neural Networks for RADAR Data Classification

RADAR data classification mainly relies on convolutional neural networks. In this article, we shall detail and explain the main operations performed by Convolution networks in order to classify RADAR data.

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Understanding The Concepts of Range and Bearing

RADAR has become a key technology to help navigate aircraft. With a growing demand of efficient air space usage, the demand for RADAR systems is growing. RADAR is a technology that uses Radio waves to detect objects in the air or sea. 

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Artificial Intelligence: Important Aspects of Neural Networks Applied to Radar Systems

RADAR is short for RAdio Detection And Ranging. The principle of RADAR systems is not very difficult to understand. It is simply because most solid objects reflect radio waves, e.g., electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths superior to infrared. A RADAR therefore sends radio waves through an emitter and captures the “response”, e.g the reflecting signal through a receiver.

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Artificial Intelligence: Deep Learning in Radar Detection - Getting Prepared for Tomorrow, Now!

Deep Learning Algorithms produce better-than-human results in image recognition, generating a close to zero fault rate [1]. This article shows how this works in radar technology and explains, how Artificial Intelligence can be taught in University Education and NextGen ATC qualification.

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Read out the IQ data via our Programming Interface (Web-API) - And use it in MATLAB, Jupyter etc

More and more users want to access our radar raw data and read out IQ data directly. Having the raw data in a well digestible data format makes it easy to do the further treatment in any numerical computing environment. Research on new algorithms on real-time data becomes comfortable and powerful.

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Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Radar Technology

Technology is always changing. A large percentage of it will make our lives easier by enhancing how we learn or go about our daily jobs in ways that were never thought before. Artificial intelligence and machine learning stand at the forefront of technology’s future, including their use in radar technology. The purpose of this article is to define what AI and machine learning are, how they relate to each other and what their role may be in radar technology.

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