
Data Processing (DPR) for Qualification Training of ATSEP (Video)

SkyRadar's package for data processing and facilities is continuously growing. Watch the video example showing how to monitor signals and UPS devices with the SNMP protocol. You will also be introduced to simple control tasks. The simulator and DPR package allow to conduct many DPR and SMC exercises, as defined in the EASA Easy Access Rules (EU Regulation 2017/373).

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SkyRadar's Pedagogical Digital Twins of ATC Environments for ICAO/EASA Conform ATSEP Qualification (Video)

SkyRadar introduces its virtual world around SkySMC as an environment to qualify ATSEP conform to the EASA Easy Access Rules and ICAO Doc 10057.

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Radar and SMC Laboratory to Conduct Training Conform to ICAO DOC 10057 & EU Reg 2017/373 (Video)

This modular laboratory allows training from radar basics to complex ATSEP calibration, parametrization and switching procedures. Optionally it can include a unit on electronic warfare. It also includes SkyRadar's SMC suite with a miniaturized ATM infrastructure.

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Enhancing ATSEP Training Compliance: The Importance of Practical Qualification

In the world of air traffic management, the training of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel (ATSEP) is the backbone of safety and effective operations. The proper qualification of ATSEP professionals is vital for ensuring the safety, efficiency, and reliability of communication, navigation, surveillance, and technical systems in aviation.

To meet compliance standards outlined in documents such as ICAO 10057 and EASA Easy Access Rules ATM, practical training becomes a crucial element. This article emphasizes the significance of practical qualification and highlights the contributions of SkyRadar, a leading manufacturer of aviation training equipment, in meeting these requirements.

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ATCO and ATSEP Job Profiles Are Progressively Converging

Some weeks ago I had an inspiring and thrilling meeting with Renata Zlopasa and Jan Brutsaert from EUROCONTROL. Renata stated an intriguing track of thought that stuck in my head. In essence she said, the ATCO and ATSEP job profiles will be progressively converging.

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ATSEP Use-Cases: Categorization Of Errors and System Failures Faced By ATSEP

ATSEP is confronted with multiple errors. A categorization of these errors will help them in understanding the situation in a better way with least possible delay.

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What Are the Impacts of Data Exchange in ATC & SWIM on Monitoring, Cybersecurity & Related ATSEP Training?

Increased aviation capacity, cost savings and a continuously reducing CO2 impact build on reliable interoperability and information exchanged within and between various ANSPs and connected players. This impacts SMC and Cybersecurity requirements.

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SkyRadar's New Infrastructure for ATSEP-SMC training compliant to EASA's Easy Access Rules

SkyRack ATC provides the important use cases for ATSEP qualification in line with EASA's Easy Access Rules for ATM-ANS (Regulation (EU) 2017/373) ATSEP.BAS.SMC.

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SkyRadar's New System Monitoring & Control Solution for ATSEP-SMC training compliant to EASA's Easy Access Rules & ICAO Doc 10057

SkySMC - SkyRadar’s System Monitoring and Control Suite is a pedagogically enhanced, fully operational monitoring tool. We have optimized it to cater for the ATSEP-SMC training compliant to EASA's Easy Access Rules for ATM-ANS (Regulation (EU) 2017/373) and ICAO Doc 10057.

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