
SkyRadar's Pedagogical Digital Twins of ATC Environments for ICAO/EASA Conform ATSEP Qualification (Video)

SkyRadar introduces its virtual world around SkySMC as an environment to qualify ATSEP conform to the EASA Easy Access Rules and ICAO Doc 10057.

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Enhancing ATSEP Training Compliance: The Importance of Practical Qualification

In the world of air traffic management, the training of Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel (ATSEP) is the backbone of safety and effective operations. The proper qualification of ATSEP professionals is vital for ensuring the safety, efficiency, and reliability of communication, navigation, surveillance, and technical systems in aviation.

To meet compliance standards outlined in documents such as ICAO 10057 and EASA Easy Access Rules ATM, practical training becomes a crucial element. This article emphasizes the significance of practical qualification and highlights the contributions of SkyRadar, a leading manufacturer of aviation training equipment, in meeting these requirements.

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