
Dennis Vasilev

Dennis is Sales Manager at SkyRadar. He is an experienced radar Training Expert and entrepreneur with in depth knowledge about radars and aviation. Dennis worked during many years in military and civilian fields. Dennis speaks English, Bulgarian and Russian and has been working in Europe and Africa. He is driven to conceive the best possible solution for every client.

Airport Firefighting Training Systems - Real Life Training Equipment in Sync with Virtual Reality (Videos)

SkyRadar provides Airport Fire-Fighting Training Solutions. Virtual reality and real life training are perfectly synchronized, orchestrated by the trainers through easy-to-implement training scenarios.

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Multiple Firefighters Work together in SkyRadar's ARFF Simulator - And See Each Other (Video)

SkyRadar's Airport Rescue and Firefighting Simulator is made for multiple players. They can see each other and work implement strategies to extinguish the seat of fire.

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3D A-Scopes for Multi-Dimensional Radar Data Analysis (Video)

With SkyRadar's NextGen 8 GHz Training Radar and the FreeScopes software, students can assemble their radar block diagrams just-in-time on live signals.

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Airport Firefighter Training Solutions by SkyRadar

SkyRadar provides airport firefighting solutions, compliant with international regulations. No other vendor is able to provide European safety and security standards and a holistic training solution, which blends seamlessly into the training equipment for other security relevant personnel (ATCO, ATSEP).

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Why should Safety-Nets Be Implemented in Radar and Tower Simulators

Safety nets are technical applications used to protect aircraft and ground from hazardous situations. 

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Radar & 2D Tower Simulator - The Smart Way into a Modular Suite of Radars & Tower Simulators

You are building up your ATC training center. A Radar and Tower simulator is important. But often budget is limited. Here is a way to build it in a modular way in function of your available budget. Making sure that the training center can generate revenues to subsidize the subsequent investments.

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NextGen 8 GHz Comfort Set - The Economical Entrance into a Modular Suite of Radars & Tower Simulators

The world is rebooting after the COVID-19 pandemic. But budgets are tight after months of standstill. SkyRadar suggests to grow in a modular, affordable and high quality way.

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Training Radars and Tower Simulators - Building the Complete Solution Step by Step - Even With Limited Budget

ATSEP and ATCO Qualification requires training radars, Tower & Radar Simulators and NavAids Simulators. Buying all at once might exceed an academy's budget. SkyRadar offers a fully modular solution to grow step by step into a full training environment for ICAO compliant qualification.

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Tower and Radar Simulators - Sometimes Upgrading the Existing Solution Allows For Benefitting from Novelties Without Exceeding a Tight Budget Frame

Lots of things changed during the last 5 years with respect to operations, procedures and tasks. ATC training infrastructure needs to comply with ever changing applicable law, directives, regulations and pedagogical needs. But how to upgrade an existing Tower & Radar Simulator with limited budget?

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