
The Future of Radar Training: Discover the Advantages of SkyRadar's FreeScopes

SkyRadar's FreeScopes platform offers a range of distinctive advantages and unique characteristics that make it an ideal choice for educational institutions and training programs focused on radar technology and signal processing.

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What is behind FreeScopes ATC I and II ? (Video)

This brief video outlines FreeScopes ATC I and ATC II within a broader framework. It demonstrates how the algorithms enhance ATSEP skills, building upon the foundations established by FreeScopes Basic I and II.

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Clutter-Map and Clutter-Map-Subtraction Implemented in FreeScopes (Video)

In air traffic control, managing radar clutter is essential for ensuring both safety and operational efficiency. This article provides an in-depth look at the use of clutter maps and clutter-map-subtraction techniques, which are employed to filter out stationary and irrelevant objects from radar displays. By focusing on these advanced filtering methods, the article aims to shed light on how radar systems are optimized to allow air traffic controllers to concentrate on tracking moving aircraft.

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Zero Velocity Filter, implemented with FreeScopes (Video)

This article dives into the critical role of zero-velocity filters in air traffic control, highlighting how they improve radar accuracy by eliminating stationary objects from the radar display. A video shows an implementation with SkyRadar FreeScopes.

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The Role of the Doppler Filter in Radar Imaging (Video)

Explore Doppler filtering in radar imaging using SkyRadar's FreeScopes ATC II and SkySim. See how it refines target identification and reduces false alarms.

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iMM Tracking - Extension of Kalman Filter on the Lateral Position (video)

SkyRadar introduces an advanced object tracking methodology featuring both the linear Kalman filter and the interacting multiple model (iMM) filter. While the linear Kalman filter primarily focuses on longitudinal object positioning, the iMM algorithm expands capabilities to include lateral positioning, enhancing tracking robustness.

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Comparing Various Algorithms to Monitor Moving Targets (Video)

This video illustrates how to monitor moving targets through various alternative algorithms. It provides an easy to follow introduction into the setup of a radar block diagram and its scopes (A-Scope, PPI) using previously recorded IQ data.

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Surveillance of Moving Targets - Comparison of MTD & Kalman Filter (Video)

This video compares the MTD algorithm and the Kalman filter. The use case is a moving target, in this particular case a person moving zig zag in front of SkyRadar's 8 GHz NextGen Pulse radar.

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A Short Video-Explanation of the Kalman Filter Shown in FreeScopes ATC II (Video)

This article presents the Kalman filter in text and video. It is implemented in FreeScopes ATC II and works with live data, recorded data and simulation.

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