
Cybersecurity & ATSEP: Security Operations Centers (SOC) in ATC

Cybersecurity should be a top concern of any business these days, particularly for those in industries that deal with public safety. Air Traffic Control centers must be well prepared to deal with cyberthreats. Recent attacks on large entities such as Air India, the Colonial Pipeline and the Irish Health system elevate the discussion on planning for continuous improvements in cybersecurity. Here's a look at solutions for the aviation industry to make data transmission over electronic networks are as safe as possible.

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Introduction into SkyRadar’s Breach, Attack and Defense Simulator for ATSEP Training

SkyRadar’s ATC Breach ,Attack & Defense Simulator has been developed to train ATSEP personnel on how to react to cyberattack in a targeted way, in escalation routines and with minimum down-times. It is part of the modular FreeScopes suite for ATCO and ATSEP training. We refer to it as the BA&D. 

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Cybersecurity in Aviation and Air Traffic Control: Regulatory Bodies, Existing Solutions and ATSEP Qualification Requirements

This article looks at the actual cybersecurity ecosystem in aviation and air traffic control: are there norms, documents proposed by the aviation regulation bodies?  What are the existing solutions? Who are the current cybersecurity vendors that propose a solution for aviation, and especially for airports and air traffic control.

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Cybersecurity & Air Traffic Control : Revisiting Techniques Used in Cyber-Attacks and Cyber-Defense

The world of Air Traffic Control and the ATSEP have not always been focused on the latest techniques and trends used for cyber attacks and defense. In the past, this competence was not part of the ATSEP's required core qualifications. Recent developments and attacks on public infrastructures however raised awareness significantly. 

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Preventing Cyber Attacks in Modern Aviation & Air Traffic Control: an Overview

As our world becomes increasingly and irreversibly connected, Cyber Security is a rising concern in every industry. Modernity has a price: cyberattacks. Everybody has heard about the exploits of criminal hackers against online banking or websites - stealing money or data (Cybercrime/Cyber-activism) - but new sectors are now actively targeted, even sometimes by the so-called ‘state-sponsored attackers’.

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Cyber Security in ATC - Lessons Learnt from Gartner's 2021 Cybersecurity Trend Report and its Implications on ATSEP Training

Gartner's 2021 report on cyber security was published just now. And it shows important trends in cybersecurity. This article discusses the implications for ATC cybersecurity and ATSEP qualification and training needs in particular.

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A Cyber-Security Training Solution for ATSEP in Air Traffic Management

This article provides a reference setup of an ATSEP cybersecurity infrastructure, based on SkyRadar's ATSEP Cybersecurity Training Module. The main goal is to familiarize students with the most dangerous type of possible attacks, and teach possible countermeasures.

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The ICAO's Aviation Cybersecurity Strategy & ATSEP Qualification

Cyber threats continue to grow exponentially around the globe. By 2022, Cisco estimates that 1 trillion networked sensors will be embedded in devices globally, and that number is expected to swell to 45 trillion within 20 years. It is no wonder that there is a grave concern as these threats are no longer limited to targeting computers, corporate networks, or smartphones.

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ATSEP Education in ATM Cyber Security

New ATM system generations will be more open and flexible, making them a target for cyber attacks and terrorism. This article discusses solutions for ATSEP basic and on-the-job education on cyber-security.

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