
Cybersecurity in ATM : Taking Apart the Security Stack in Incident Response (Part 2) - Investigations Using Proxy Logs

This article explores incident response investigations using proxy logs to uncover security gaps in email filtering.

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ATSEP Use Cases - Impact of Transmission Media Errors due to Azimuth Reset Pulse in ATC

ATC ensures safe aircraft movement using technologies like radars and communication systems. Errors, like azimuth reset pulse, can disrupt transmission, impacting aviation safety. This article examines these errors and prevention/rectification steps

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Cybersecurity in ATM : Taking Apart the Security Stack in Incident Response (Part 1) - Email investigations

Malicious actors regardless of motivation, whether financial or hacktivism, tend to look for the path of least resistance. In many data breaches, when forensic teams investigate the root cause, they end up tracing it back to email as the initial vector of the breach, where it all began. The reason this turns out to be the most lucrative for all attackers is the fundamentals of human psychology.

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ATSEP Use Cases - Confronting Phase Matching Transmission Errors in Air Traffic Control

Air Traffic Control (ATC) systems ensure safe air travel. Transmission errors, like phase matching, can compromise safety. This article examines the impact, causes, incidents, and solutions for transmission media errors caused by phase matching in ATC.

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Analog and Digital Communication Laboratory for ATSEP and Military Users (Video)

In this video, SkyRadar presents the new Analog and Digital Communication Lab, allowing to model SUR, NAV and COM applications around a DSP and a transmitter and receiver unit.

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Electronics Laboratory for ATSEP and Military Users (Videos)

SkyRadar's Electronics Laboratory includes 3 subsets: analog electronics, digital electronics and microcontroller technology. Watch the videos.

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ATSEP Use Cases: Processing Errors Due to Delay in Air Traffic Control: Understanding the Impact and Solutions

In this article we will define processing errors due to delay explain the impact of transmission errors related to delay on air traffic control services and provide steps to be taken by ATSEP (Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel) in rectifying processing errors related to delay and preventing delays.

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Air Traffic Management And The Critical Role of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)

Aviation is dependent on several components, including guidance and navigation tools, onboard systems, software updates, network components, access points, and log file analytics. Functioning both on the ground and in the air, aviation is classed as a critical infrastructure.

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SkyRadar's Electrical Laboratory for ATSEP and Military Users (Video)

Electrical theories, concepts and applications are the basis for all electronics, radar and communications engineering. We introduce this basic laboratory as entrance laboratory for new trainees, entering the world of´ATSEP.

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