
System Monitoring and Control - Videos

ATSEP Qualification in DPR - SkyRadar's SkySMC & the DPR Package Help Qualifying in a Compliant Way (Video)

ICAO Doc 10057 and EU 2017/373 (EASA Easy Access Rules) explicitly mandate applied learning. Classical Instructor-led training and PowerPoint presentations simply aren't compliant. SkyRadar has a solution.

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Data Processing (DPR) for Qualification Training of ATSEP (Video)

SkyRadar's package for data processing and facilities is continuously growing. Watch the video example showing how to monitor signals and UPS devices with the SNMP protocol. You will also be introduced to simple control tasks. The simulator and DPR package allow to conduct many DPR and SMC exercises, as defined in the EASA Easy Access Rules (EU Regulation 2017/373).

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Video: Live Radar, Simulator, DSP, SMC, Virtual Reality - How does it all work together?

Many new components  come together to form a comprehensive training system for ATSEP and military ATC qualification. This video provides an overview and shows how all fits together.

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Introducing the Troubleshooting Panel for Digital Twins in SkySMC (Videos)

SkyRadar is dedicated to providing innovative ATSEP training solutions in air traffic management. In this video, we introduce the troubleshooting panel as part of the digital twin environment, generated with SkySMC.

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SkyRadar's Pedagogical Digital Twins of ATC Environments for ICAO/EASA Conform ATSEP Qualification (Video)

SkyRadar introduces its virtual world around SkySMC as an environment to qualify ATSEP conform to the EASA Easy Access Rules and ICAO Doc 10057.

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4 Videos on SkyRadar's Training Solution for System Monitoring and Control

Four videos provide a deep insight into SkyRadar's SMC infrastructure and exercises for ATSEP qualification in compliance with EASA's Easy Access Rules for Air Traffic Management.

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SkySMC - System Monitoring & Control Software for ATSEP Training - Full Logic in Virtual Reality and Real Life (Video)

This video illustrates how the SMC software, the distributed control system and the 3D virtual reality provide a perfect learning experience to ATSEP.

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System Monitoring & Control with SkySMC in a Nutshell (Video)

With SkySMC SkyRadar created an environment for ATSEP to learn System Monitoring & Control, while working with SMC software, training hardware, virtualized and simulated infrastructure as well as virtual reality.

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SkySMC - A Real Service-Oriented System Monitoring & Control Environment for ATSEP Qualification (Video)

State-of-the-art qualification of ATSEP cannot limit itself on scenario-based animations. There are too many error-options. To reach higher levels in the learning taxonomy, real or virtualized infrastructures are the solution.

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SkySMC - Distributed Control System View DCS (Video)

In this video we present SkySMC's DCS view. DCS stands for distributed monitoring and control. It adds another modern visualisation of controlled systems.

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SkySMC - Switching Remotely From a Defect to a Healthy Component (Video)

An important ATSEP task is detecting errors and degraded performance rapidly, and in an ideal case switch over remotely from the defect subsystem to a fallback solution.

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SkySMC - A System Monitoring and Control Infrastructure for Taxonomy Level 3 & 4 (Online) Training of ATSEP (Video)

This article shows how online training of system monitoring and control can be brought to the cognitive level of "application" and beyond, with SkyRadar's SkySMC suite.

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The SkyRadar Product Family is Growing

The SkyRadar product family embraces primary and secondary training radars, simulators, jammers, system monitoring and control solutions, and a complete tower and radar simulator. All systems are based on service-oriented architecture and can be interconnected via plug and play.

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System Monitoring & Control - Connecting Our Multi-Sensor Box

SkyRadar's System Monitoring and Control is an open system. It lives of all the components that can be connected. In this video we present the multi-sensor box, a device which can help to include virtually anything into the overall monitored surface.

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SkyRadar - Complete Solution & Fully in Phase With the ATM Master Plan (Video)

SkyRadar's modules can be interconnected as easy as Lego. But its architecture is service-oriented like the Single European Sky in the ATM-Masterplan and interconnected ATM like in ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan.

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Video on SkyRack ATM - the ATSEP Training Infrastructure for System Monitoring & Control

In this video, we present SkyRack ATM, the training infrastructure for system monitoring and control.

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A Didactical System to Train System Monitoring And Control Compliant to EASA's Easy Access Rules for ATM-ANS

SkySMC - SkyRadar’s System Monitoring and Control Suite is a pedagogically enhanced, fully operational monitoring tool. We have optimized it to cater for the ATSEP-SMC training compliant to EASA's Easy Access Rules for ATM-ANS (Regulation (EU) 2017/373) and to ICAO doc 10057.

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