
Intelligent Radar Sensors Integrated into the Industrial Internet of Things

Digital industrial platforms like those of General Electric, Siemens or Bosch are emerging. They start as the heart of a service-led Industry 4.0 manufacturing process. But they have the potential to become the heart of a platform-based, agile and highly innovative internet of things.

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Development Service for Radar Algorithms in ATC and Industry

SkyRadar offers development services for algorithms and software development around radars and their analytic backbone, building on its yearlong experience and inhouse expertise.

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SkyRadar offers Development Services - Algorithms, Concepts and Architecture to Excel Machines, Platform and the Crowd

The world is accelerating. Technology is propelling. To stay in the forefront of innovation and the market, companies need to embrace AI, platforms and the crowd. But to be good, they also need to focus on their core competences. So let's team up.

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