A relevant technique to classify RADAR object is to use a colored 2D map representing range, speed or frequency against time and color the map with power intensity. Here we represent examples of such typical RADAR data.
Read the blogwritten on Dec 26, 2019
by Martin Rupp
written on Dec 23, 2019
by Martin Rupp
written on Dec 16, 2019
by Martin Rupp
A relevant technique to classify RADAR object is to use a colored 2D map representing range, speed or frequency against time and color the map with power intensity. Here we represent examples of such typical RADAR data.
Read the blogFast reaction and decision-making of the RADAR operator is a key factor in ATC. There is a need to develop techniques for the automatic extraction and fine-granulated classification of RADAR objects, allowing for faster and better decision making and more effective processes.
Read the blogRADAR is short for RAdio Detection And Ranging. The principle of RADAR systems is not very difficult to understand. It is simply because most solid objects reflect radio waves, e.g., electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths superior to infrared. A RADAR therefore sends radio waves through an emitter and captures the “response”, e.g the reflecting signal through a receiver.
Read the blogSkyRadar develops innovative radar training solutions and simulation systems, empowering education, research & professional training in aviation and defense sectors.
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