
Beginning January 2, 2020, EU Regulation 2017/373’s Annex XIII Requirements for Service Providers Concerning Personnel Training and Competence Assessment, Subpart A concerning the training of Air Traffic Safety Electronic Personnel (ATSEP) comes into full effect. While ATSEP rules will remain the same as in the previous regulation, Regulation 1377/2016 there will be changes where service providers are concerned.

What is Changing on January 2, 2020?

On January 2, 2020, service providers who employ ATSEP will have to fully comply with EU Regulation 2017/373’s Article 10 by implementing the rules in:

  • Section I – General requirements for ATSEP
  • Section II – Training requirements for ATSEP
  • Section III – Competence assessment requirements for ATSEP
  • Section IV – Instructors and assessors’ requirements for ATSEP

Information regarding these requirements can also be found in Appendix 1 through 4 in the Regulation.

Basic Training

According to ATSEP.OR.205, basic training for ATSEP shall consist of the subjects, topics and sub-topics that are specified in Appendix 1 – Basic Training – Shared. Additionally, when relevant to certain ATSEP activities, subjects listed in Appendix 2 – Basic Training – Streams that include:

  • Subject #3: Aeronautical Information Services

  • Subject #4: Meteorology

  • Subject #5: Communication

  • Subject #6: Navigation

  • Subject #7: Surveillance

  • Subject #8: Data Processing

  • Subject #9: System Monitoring & Control

  • Subject #10: Maintenance Procedures

The service provider will have the ability to choose the best-suited educational requirements for its ATSEP candidate. This includes adapting the number and/or level of subjects, topics or sub-topics that are relevant to the duties that will be performed.

Qualification Training

Under ATSEP.OR.210, ATSEP qualification training shall include the subjects, topics, and sub-topics that are listed in Appendix 3 – Qualification Training – Shared. When applicable to the ATSEP’s activities, at least one of the 16 qualification streams that are listed in Appendix 4 – Qualification Training -Streams. It is not necessary for all streams to be chosen. Streams include:

  • Stream #1 – Communication – Voice
  • Stream #2 – Communication – Data
  • Stream #3 – Navigation – Non-Directional Beacon (NDB)
  • Stream #4 – Navigation – Direction Finding (DF)
  • Stream #5 – Navigation – VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range (VOR)
  • Stream #6 – Navigation – Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)
  • Stream #7 – Navigation – Instrument Landing System (ILS)
  • Stream #8 – Navigation – Microwave Landing System (MLS)
  • Stream #9 – Surveillance – Primary Surveillance Radar
  • Stream #10 – Surveillance – Secondary Surveillance Radar
  • Stream #11 – Surveillance – Automatic Dependent Surveillance
  • Stream #12 – Data – Data Processing
  • Stream #13 – System Monitoring and Control – Communication
  • Stream #14 – System Monitoring and Control – Navigation
  • Stream #15 – System Monitoring and Control – Surveillance
  • Stream #16 – System Monitoring and Control – Data

Each stream contains multiple topics and sub-topics that will be studied in order to receive qualification for that stream. All training for both Basic and Qualification training is provided at the AMC level.

Flexibility of Training

New call-to-actionUnder subpart ATSEP.OR.100 Scope, the requirements are established that service providers must meet regarding training and assessing the competence of ATSEP. Service providers may apply for a limited certificate according to ATM/ANS.OR.A010(a) and (b) ow by declaring its activities according to ATM/ANS.OR.A.015. This will allow them to just meet the minimum requirements for training while the competent authority may determine the ATSEP’s competence assessment. This allows for flexibility for small service providers.

For example, flexibility in basic training might be structured by tailoring the subjects, topics and sub-topics to the ATSEP’s responsibilities regarding the activities of the service provider and any prior education and/or experience that the ATSEP candidate has.

Flexibility may be available in the case where only a limited number of training objectives will need to be taught to ATSEP candidates who have some form of previous qualifications, such as an engineering degree or diploma. This could shorten the amount of time for training and number of objectives required for the candidate in comparison to other candidates who do not have previous engineering experience or education.

It is expected that ATSEP experts will continue to monitor the effects of the implemented regulatory requirements for trainings and recommend revisions of the rules when needed.


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