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System Monitoring & Control - Connecting Our Multi-Sensor Box

Written by Ulrich Scholten, PhD | Sep 28, 2022

SkyRadar's System Monitoring and Control is an open system. It lives of all the components that can be connected. In this video we present the multi-sensor box, a device which can help to include virtually anything into the overall monitored surface.


ATSEP Qualification and SkyRadar’s Training Equipment

ATSEP shall be qualified along the training objectives as specified in ICAO Global Air Navigation Plan and EASA’s Easy Access Rules for ATM-ANS, Appendix XIII. But this qualification should happen in view of the emerging new interconnected and more service-oriented architecture: ATSEP qualification should embrace the near future’s skill requirements.

SkyRadar provides ATSEP training infrastructure to qualify ATSEP along the lines of ICAO's EASA’s Easy Access Rules. The solutions have a strong future orientation.

SkyRadar’s system monitoring and control learning environment enables learning in classical system contexts and in service oriented environments (and in mixed environments which is the closest to reality). 

Students can set up their own systems and the connected monitoring architectures. 

Surveillance architectures like SkyRadar’s NextGen Pulse Radar are fully service oriented and can be connected to the SMC.

Trainees can practice on segmented authorization solutions. Technically it is even possible for several Aviation academies to interconnect their SMC and training infrastructure to practice across territories of governance. 

SkyRadar is currently extending the SMC solution to embrace Incident Response processes and cybersecurity applications.

Let's talk

Contact us to discuss possible solutions for your ATC training center. Calls are non binding and will definitely help shaping your vision for your ATSEP training infrastructure.

Talk to you soon and stay tuned!